hindmost devils early to rise.

x  INFO. 

01.   There is a default mature content warning. This can range anywhere in the NSFW zone, but publicly it usually only implies basic violence and potential mentions of body horror. Anything else (sexual content, gore, etc.) is kept to DMs. Minors aren't allowed in any capacity, even for SFW interactions. For transparency — I'm 26 and will not write with anyone under 18, regardless of the content.02.   I am not my character and her decisions/choices/words spoken do not necessarily reflect upon my own thoughts/feelings. She's brash, rude, and not always easy to get along with. IC =/= OOC and that line should never be blurred. (This especially goes for OOC interactions. I'm in a happy relationship, but am always happy to make new friends!)03.   This is not a spoiler-free zone. Spoilers up to the entirety of Endwalker (6.5) MSQ may appear. I am always caught up with current content unless otherwise advised.04.   While shipping is on the table, it is only done with chemistry. I prefer to ship with writers I know for the sake of comfort — but I'm always happy to discuss a ship in the event that interest exists!05.   I will never force my headcanons on any writer, NPC or otherwise; ask, don't assume is my rule of thumb. Respect is a two-way street. You'll have mine as long as you give me yours.06.   I twist and bend lore. Not to a ridiculous degree, but I don't strictly follow it. Rax is an amalgamation of concepts that may not necessarily "make sense" with the full fluidity of FF14's narrative. If this bothers you, you may want to turn back now.


........NAME..../// ....Stella Rax Miziere........GENDER....///....Cis female (she/her)........AGE....///....29 (post-EW)........NAMEDAY....///....32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (10/31)........BIRTHPLACE....///....The Convictory, Coerthas Western Highlands........RACE....///....Viera (Rava)
Elezen-Hyur, once upon a time.
........SEXUALITY....///....Pansexual........GUARDIAN....///....Halone, the Fury........NATIVE ELEMENT....///....Ice........PROFESSION....///....Warrior of Light........PRIMARY....///....Dreadnova (DRK/DRG/SMN/AST)........SECONDARY....///....MCH/GNB/BLM

A TALE OF LOSS AND LONGING — Born a daughter of Ishgard and reforged into a living keepsake, much about of the famed Warrior of Light is lost to time. Rax works tirelessly to hold onto what's left of herself while being the weapon required to save the world — a delicate balance that she finds she's getting too good at.



A Viera of twenty-nine summers hailed under the protection of the Fury, Rax had not always been what she has since become. Born to a Hyuran mother and an Elezen father, Stella was a healthy baby girl. Although her mother had passed in childbirth, her father Damian had made it his life's mission to protect all that he had left outside of his studies. A studious man who spent his time preening over tomes of aetheric properties and their relevance to crystals, he balanced his life between taking care of his daughter and sharing his studies with those of the Holy See and beyond.
But Stella would not live to see to ten summers. Her body was discovered with no notable injuries beyond those accidental. Stricken with grief, Damian took his deceased child and put his knowledge to use. In fashioning the purest crystal he had his hands on, he attuned it to Stella's soul, absorbing it and creating makeshift auracite. It prevented the soul from escaping into the Lifestream or into an empty beyond.
But what then? He was on a time constraint, and without a proper cadaver, the vigor of a soul was not so easily contained.
Word had come to him of an experimental excursion within the Far East, to the reaches of Othard. A small village had been swept clean with the use of a new chemical weapon by hands of the Empire dubbed Black Rose. While many of the bodies were claimed, there was a young Viera girl that had been abandoned. But with her body cleaned of an aetheric presence and with desperation laden in his heart, Damian made a choice. He claimed the girl, promised to set her to rest, and proceeded with his plan.To reattune a soul to a new body was bordering on the impossible. But when the girl opened her eyes, blinking one purple — the cadaver's original — and one crystal blue, mirroring his own, he knew he had his girl back. But he renamed her — Rax, he'd decided. 'Star' in a certain Vieran dialect. The start of a life anew.Rax didn't remember anything prior to her death. 'Stella' was never a name used around her. Damian played off her entry into Ishgard as saving an orphaned and abandoned Viera that was discovered in the Black Shroud on his return. The Temple Knights in particular took a distaste to this despite his show of kindness; it was a blight upon their society, and so it was demanded that the girl be sheltered from public eye.


So she was. And so she clung to her father's coattails. Watching the Temple Knights train through her windows, learning how to wield a weapon on her own from mirroring their actions -- it inspired a certain thrill that couldn't be replaced. And just past her eighteenth nameday, Rax set off from home -- albeit only to the outskirts of Coerthas, where she took idle jobs as an independent mercenary.
The work led her into the Black Shroud proper, where she came into contact with two peculiar twins. Her fate was sealed that day, for the Mothercrystal beckoned for her Champion to rise.Hear. Feel. Think.The Warrior of Light was born as the Echo dawned upon her — crushing opposition, slaying gods and men all the same. But she was not invincible. And despite her strength, despite Hydaelyn's call, not all answers could be given. And not all lives could be saved.Upon her return to Ishgard, once Lord Commander Aymeric de Borel made his attempts for peace between man and dragonkind, the attack on his life was not without further consequence. Fires spurred through Foundation and they found their way to the Miziere manor — where three men had slipped away into the night, arms full with journals and miscellany. Embers consumed the building, and in the doorframe was the charred and misaligned body of one Damian Miziere.Her anguish and her sorrow were burdens too heavy to bear, for he had promised her answers upon her return and she never received them.
It was only later that Aymeric would return a journal to her after discovering in the barracks of the Temple Knights, and it inspired her need to see it all through to the end. One line, one spark of inspiration.
"Your name was Stella, and you were beautiful."The desperation for answers peaked, and though she was now swathed in a newfound fury, her duties as the Warrior continued.Doma and Ala Mhigo received their piece. Zenos, the perfect foe. Emet-Selch, the acolyte of destruction for his own wanton desires. An old, distant friend from a place long since destroyed, forgotten amidst the seas and the stars. The First received its penance and the weight of darkness became a salve to soothe the wounds, stitching a broken heart back together after spending so long seething in anger.But it was when she returned to the Source that she picked up the spear, becoming the dragoon she had always intended to be in her youth. Taught by the former Azure Dragoon in between breadths of Fandaniel's infernal towers, it was all she could do to keep herself busy before the end of days.And what better way to meet the end than with all weapons primed from your arsenal?



[ *FFXIV | WARRIOR OF LIGHT. Extends to all expansions. Defaults to post-6.5, where after her time aiding Zero and the Void, she takes back residence in Ishgard to tie up loose ends involving her family estate and unspoken crimes committed after her return to the First.[ *FFXIV | FOURTEENTH SEAT. Andromeda never wanted to become Azem, harboring a distaste for the implications behind the seat. Hythlodaeus recommended her for the role, and she was pushed into it against her will despite her focus as a keyward in Pandaemonium. The only positive aspect was being able to travel as she pleased, which sated her chaotic heart — but at an inevitable and yet unseen cost to the future of the star.[ *FFXIV | LIGHTWARDEN. The Light was too much to bear. Transformed into a beast beyond reckoning, Lightwarden Nova primarily stalks Lakeland and the Crystarium, though her sense of justice seems skewed amidst the darkness she's wrought upon herself. A familiar face from the Source acts as her keeper, but it's impossible to gauge how long she can be kept at bay.[ *LoL | MERCENARY. A half-Vastayan mercenary hailing from Noxus, her past is veiled in mystery with roots in Zaunite chemtech. She travels across Runeterra on the hunt for broken pieces to form the full picture, though she finds herself straying further and further from the truth.[ *VALORANT | CONTROLLER. Imbued with artificial Radiant power, Maverick offers her work to the highest bidder. Once it was K-SEC, and now it's the VALORANT Protocol. As a consequence, she acts as her own judge, jury, and executioner — but she knows too much to leave, and often keeps that as leverage to do what she wants.[ *GENSHIN IMPACT | SELF-EXILE. Once, she was a daughter of Snezhnaya with all the riches it could afford. In the blink of an eye, she was conscripted as a Harbinger. After years of experimentation and conditioning, she broke free from her chains and abandoned her station. Fleeing from the country that gave her everything, she works independently to make a living, but her mismatched eyes and chilling aura betray her desire to leave her past behind.